Monday, April 13, 2009


It might be the testosterone flowing through my glands. It might be my take-charge foreign policy in dealing with those who threaten us. Maybe it's just the reptilian portion of my brain re-assuming dominant status. But I'm feeling a healthy amount of man-love today for U.S. Navy Seals.

In case you missed it, some of America's finest yesterday needed all of three shots to take out three Somali pirates who were holding an American ship captain hostage. The sharpshooters were several-hundred yards away, perched on top of a destroyer, in pitch-black darkness, riding on choppy waters. They fired once they saw the "head and shoulders" of the pirates. They nailed all three in the head!

In what has to be the understatement of the year so far, Admiral Richard Gortney, when asked how this was possible, said the snipers were, "extremely well-trained." Boo-ya!

It's not often in life that the bad guys get what's coming to them while the good guys escape unharmed. Karma's a bitch, isn't it Pirate-boy?

The issue has shed the light on the problem of high-seas piracy. No, not the fun kind portrayed by Johnny Depp in the Disney movies, nor the ones made famous by Veggie-Tales (see picture). I have noted that the national media has ignored the previously-established connection between piracy as a funding front for Al-Quiada. Oh well. I guess I should expect no less at this point. The Associated Press' Official Stylesheet dissuades reporters from using phrases like "Islamic Radicals," or even "terrorists." Those terms are substituted with euphemstic phrases like "militants," "insurgents," and my favorite, "opposition leaders." Those who control the language control the debate.

Somewhere, Charles Bronson is smiling. This episode ended like all of the movies. Everyone who should be dead is dead---everyone who should be alive is alive. If only things always worked out so well. I'll drink a beer or two tonight for the Navy Seals, Captain Richard Phillips, each member of the Maersk-Alabama, every enlisted man in the Navy---well, you get the point!


  1. "Those who control the language control the debate." Truer words were never spoken. It's a shame that the majority of the American public doesn't realize it, or simply doesn't care.

    I wonder if we should enter these "opposition leaders" for consideration in this year's Darwin Awards. I mean... U.S. Frickin' Navy>>four pirates in shoddy boat, yes?

  2. Compared to the Pirates versus the U.S. Navy, the Christians were even money against the Lions.
