Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The 'ol Razzle-Dazzle

Its hard to pick my favorite part of the movie, "Chicago." There's Catherine Zeta-Jones mincing around in a short-dress and a too-cute bob haircut, announcing plans to "rouge her knees." That was nice. There's also Queen Latifah sexily reminding me, "When You're Good to Mama, Mama's Good to You." That's always encouraging.

The part I've been thinking about the most this week is Richard Gere's God-Awful attempt at singing. Don't get me wrong---Shatner's worse. But Gere's turn on "Razzle Dazzle" is reminding me too much of the modern political landscape.

I try my best to avoid social debates. Try as I might, I just can't give a tinker's dam about what someone does in their bedroom. I cannot make myself give two spits about someone's sexual orientation. So long as children and non-consent aren't involved, go for it. I have better things to think about.

Then along comes Sandra Fluke. Her portryal as an innocent law school student who has been denied contraception by the meanies at a Jesuit school would make Billy Flynn proud. Her insertion (no pun intended) into the national political debate is little more than highly-calculated bread and circuses.

When Fluke was denied a chance to speak before a Congressional panel on insurance coverage of contraception; she instead was invited to a "democrats-only" meeting to tell her sob story. The 30-year old woman who can afford a $50,000 a year Law School education complained about not having mandatory contraception coverage into in her health care plan; administered by a Jesuit school. Razzle-Dazzle, folks.

I guess I'm more disturbed that social conservatives would take the obvious bait. Those who are monomanical about abortion and contraception are not known for political restraint. They fell for it, hook line and sinker, and vaulted this obvious plant into the national consciousness. In doing so, they have doggedly kept social issues at the forefront of this Presidential campaign, in spite of the worst economy in over a generation. Way to go, guys.

If you think Fluke is an innocent victim of mean-'ol health insurance companies who refuse to pay for condoms; then I can't help you. Consider this. Less than two miles from Fluke's apartment is a Planned Parenthood chapter. You know, the place that gives away FREE CONDOMS!?!?

This is nothing more than an orchestrated attempt to bring social issues to the front of the table over economic policies. Democrats usually score points when the debate is over condoms, abortion, and reproductive rights. Republicans often win the debate over fiscal policy.

As an aside, I'm old enough to remember when condoms were kept behind the counters and cigarettes were sold out front. How far we've come. BREAD AND CIRCUSES FOR ALL MY FRIENDS!!!"