Monday, May 17, 2010

Some random thoughts for a rainy Monday...

***Labor Unions and the NAACP are, to quote from the movie Patton, "magnificent anachronisms." There was a time when each was necessary. Now, after having largely accomplished most of their core goals, their existence is solely center on self-preservation---the overwhelming need to remain relevant.

***The History Channel's "America: The Story of Us" is a feast for the eyes! It's historical accuracy is questionable and it takes broad liberties; but it sure is fun to watch!

***The number of new green jobs created in the last 15 months is only half of one percent of the eight million jobs lost since the beginning of the Great Recession.

***Did you know that the F.C.C. has a Chief Diversity Officer? That should send a chill down your spine.

***I don't give a rat's ass where LeBron James plays hoops next year.

***Riddle me this---aren't the provisions in the new Arizona anti-immigration law basically the same as are already part of the federal code? If current federal law hasn't already foster the "Nazi-ish" regime that opponents fear; how would it materialize under a state law?

***Remember folks,
no problem that the federal government undertakes to tackle can ever be recognized as solved, because to do so would mean the dissolution of an agency. And if the federal program creates new problems, well, those are then excuses for new agencies.

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