Thursday, November 10, 2011
Penn State: Where do I begin?
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Politics as usual
Monday, August 1, 2011
Food for thought...
Here's the math, folks. The U.S. takes in about $185 billion a month. Monthly liabilities for debt interest, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Prescription Drugs and Military and Federal Payroll total about $170 billion. If we default, it will be by political design rather than necessity.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Try to imagine this. You're a politician in the national spotlight. You've had three days of non-stop activities---speaking to people you've never seen, answering a myriad of questions that range from the ridiculous to the sublime. You've had countless microphones thrust in your face, you've eaten quick meals while hundreds of camera flashbulbs illuminate the room, you have not had a decent night's sleep in a little more than a week. At the end of the day, you mutter an inane answer to a question. The next day---GOTCHA!
It seems the only function of media today is to pester newsmakers, be they political or other in nature, until they FINALLY say something you can run with---something that makes headlines---something that makes for a great segue tease out of the commercial break.
One of my Virginia Tech Political Professors, Dr. Bob Denton, told us that everyone will say something stupid, if they talk enough. With the innumerable TV Cameras, Microphones, and Cell Phones waiting to record every politician's utterance; its a wonder it doesn't happen far more often.
As I read and hear the national media's breathless reporting today of Sarah Palin's gaffe on the history of Paul Revere, I am saddened. We are facing a 14 Trillion dollar debt, we have armies serving in hostile zones overseas, we are faced with critical decisions on entitlement spending and Palin makes the "A-Block" of every newscast?? And she's not even a Presidential Candidate!!
Lest ye think I am showing my conservative colors, I felt the exact same way when President Obama caught flak about signing the wrong date in the Palace Book in London last week---or when he misspoke about "57 states."
It would be wonderful if the same collective energy the national media devotes to making mountains out of molehills could be applied to raising the level of debate in this country about the stuff that actually matters. But that wouldn't sell nearly as well. Those of us offended by every hack who makes a lead story out of minor misstep should be more vocal. If not, this "Entertainment Tonight" brand of Gotcha Journalism will continue.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
A little torn today...
What I choose to remember the most are the 32 people who were killed that day at Virginia Tech. When I look at their bios, I am struck by the outstanding character that is obvious with most of them.
These were winners! A Holocaust survivor who held the door while students escaped through a second-story window; begin riddled with bullets in the process. A French teacher who seemed to possess a special connection with her students. A former wrestler who was killed while tackling the gunman.
Even more impressive is the public service resumes that had already been compiled by folks in their late-teens to early twenties. These were people who were on their way to becoming outstanding adults. It's trendy for middle-aged folks like myself to view the younger generation with benign disdain. To laugh at their ability to hold conversations while texting. The lives these young people led before their death should make all of us forty-somethings rethink our views on the next generation.
One in particular stands out. As a hopeless Detroit Tigers fan, I became familiar with the Motown Sports website years ago. Among the most frequent contributors was Brian Bluhm. He was also one of the best posters. I noticed that he had a VT logo as his avatar. I shot him an e-mail and he replied; talking about our shared love of the Hokies and the Tigers---and how trying both teams can be!
Brian was shot twice while sitting in an Engineering class in the second floor of Norris Hall. I wished I had e-mailed him more often.
I guess it shows maturity on my part that I've pretty much forgiven the shooter. Evil takes many forms and envelops people. Such it was with Cho. I hope his tortured soul is finally at peace. His final resting place is not my call.
I won't dwell on the tragedy today. I'll play with my kids and try to be a good husband and daddy. Tonight, I'll have a couple of beers and track the Tigers' game on the Internet. But a part of me will be thinking about Brian and the others.
Ut prosim.