Monday, December 21, 2009

Hummin' the Health Care Blues...

I am a good U.S. Citizen. I wouldn't do anything to harm the nation
that I love. This great social experiment in representative
democracy that started more than two centuries ago has revolutionized
thought on this planet. Serious bumps aside, it has worked far better
than anyone could have imagined.

But at what point do I break? How many fundamental powers have to be
removed from me before I say "enough is enough?" How much of my basic
decision-making power has to be stripped before I fight back?

The State now tells me what I should eat. How long before they tell
me what I CAN eat? The State strips a sizable portion of what I earn
to subsidize things about which I do not agree. I enjoy the military
and social protection provided by the military; but how much is that
worth when I am reduced to a ward of the state?

The Health Care debate is just the latest mile-marker on an inexorable
road to a Statist Utopia. I'd love to opt out, but I have little
recourse. The Collective doesn't function unless everyone participates.

This Conservative Libertarian is feeling pretty down in the dumps today.