Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gunning For Freedom

OK, here's the deal.  I'm assured by my liberal colleagues that any legislation coming down the pike on gun control in the coming weeks will deal ONLY with so-called "assault weapons."  I am touched by the number of them who assure me they have no objections to handguns, shotguns low-powered rifles, etc.  Well that's a relief!

There are several potential pratfalls, though.  Number one---the definition of an "assault weapon."  I shiver at the prospect of people who sh*t their pants every time the word "gun" is mentioned, being charged with defining something that can be fairly complicated even for a gun enthusiast.  Sorta like having a life-long vegan determine what's a good cut of veal.

Secondly, we have evidence of the efficacy of an assault weapon ban.  In short, it didn't work.  All it did was drive up the cost of assault weapons.  Shockingly, criminals were still able to obtain them---in large numbers.   If only they would follow the law!!

There's the "camel's nose under the tent" argument.  It's a cliche---but its a cliche for a reason.  It is ALWAYS the way freedoms are diminished.  Thirty years ago, the thought of requiring restaurants to even have non-smoking sections was laughable.  After they were established, the move began to outlaw smoking all together.

Regardless of your stance on smoking in restaurants, the point is this.  Freedoms are rarely taken away in one fell swoop.  They erode over time as opportunists wear away opposition like waves lapping at a shoreline.  As long as people continue to get their Bread and Circuses, they are only too willing to go along.

And finally, there's this.  Mr. President and other Statists in Washington...WE DO NOT TRUST YOU.  You have proven yourself to be yet another slimeball politician instead of a leader.  You and your ilk are all-too-ready to take advantage of a tragedy to shift more of our basic decision-making power from our homes to Washington.   Have you EVER come up with a solution that would have resulted in less government oversight?  No.  Your default setting is to make as many decisions as possible for us---while providing the requisite amount of Bread and Circuses to placate the masses.

Fortunately, there remain enough of us for whom Bread and Circuses is NOT adequate sustenance.